[columns size=”2″] [/columns] [columns size=”2″] [titlearea align=”left” title=”DEFELSKO GAUGES : THE MEASURE OF QUALITY” titlelast=”” subtitle=”” titlecolor=”#ffffff” titlelastcolor=”” seperatorcolor=”#f4bc16″]
[listexperience icon=”http://dft.halogendigitaldev.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/DFT-YELLOW-TICK.png” titlecolor=”#ffffff” descolor=”#ffffff” title=”SOPHISTICATED TECHNOLOGY” description=”DeFelsko use the most sophisticated technology available to make the job of measuring as simple and accurate as possible.”] [listexperience icon=”http://dft.halogendigitaldev.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/DFT-YELLOW-TICK.png” titlecolor=”#ffffff” descolor=”#ffffff” title=”VARIETY OF HIGH QUALITY GAUGES” description=”At this moment in time, they have over 70 models of coating thickness gauges and inspection instruments, used for a wide range of applications in various industries. All DeFelsko gauges are extremely popular worldwide.”] [listexperience icon=”http://dft.halogendigitaldev.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/DFT-YELLOW-TICK.png” titlecolor=”#ffffff” descolor=”#ffffff” title=”REAL WORLD DESIGN” description=”DeFelsko products come with unequaled handling characteristics and easy, trouble-free operation. They are simple to use and employ leading-edge technology. They come complete with a 30 day money-back guarantee.”] [/columns]